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The Best Equipment to Stay Fit at Home


Staying fit and healthy at home is quick and easy to do with the right equipment. Many pieces of equipment are very versatile and can be used in more than one way, focusing on different parts of the body. For example, one routine which I occasionally follow can be completed with just a resistance band, I can use it to work on Biceps, Triceps, Forearm, Chest, Abdominals, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, and Calves, so almost every major muscle group.

From the right place, many of the equipment’s coming up can last for years with the right care and will not cost you a fortune! Underneath each piece, there will be a few bullet points to highlight the sorts of exercises which you can complete.

The Kettlebell:

· Bent-Rows – BACK

· Dead-Lift – BACK and HAMSTRING

· Half/ Full Get-Up – WHOLE BODY

· Swing – GLUTES

TRX Suspension Kit:


· Chest Press – CHEST



Bosu Ball:



· Side or Forward Lunge – HAMSRING and QUADRICEP

· Push Up – CHEST

Weighted Vest:

I decided to add this one as it is something which, most likely, the majority of people haven’t experimented with. It can be worn during many different exercises to add that little bit of resistance without compromising your overall position (as you do not have to worry about a free weight getting in the way). It is also useful during both long and short distance runs to build strength and stamina.

Medicine Balls:

· Sit-Up and Throw – ABDOMINALS

· Back Lunge and Twists – THIGHS and ABDOMINALS

· Slaims – BACK and HAMSTRING

Foam Roller:

This piece of equipment won’t help you build much muscle on its own, but it can play a crucial part during rest and recovery days. Yes, you should continue to warm up and stretch properly, but a Foam Roller will be able to work out those areas that feel just a little bit tight in the morning.

Pull-up Bar:

· There is really only one way to use a pull-up bar, BUT you can adjust the way you are holding the bar to utilise a different muscle group.

· According to PullUp-Dip, there are 8 different hand positions and techniques.

· With this one piece of equipment, you can work on your Biceps, Triceps, Shoulder and Upper Back!

Resistance Bands:

· Glute Bridge – GLUTES and HAMSTRING

· Seated Row – BACK/ SHOULDER

· Donkey Kicks – HAMSTRING


· Offset Pushup – CHEST

· Squat ‘Pop-Over’ – HAMSTRING and QUADRICEP

· Decline Mountain Climber – SHOULDER and HIP FLEXORS

Jump Rope:

· Again, there is really only one use for a Jump Rope. However, it is cheap, easy to use, and is a good reminder that your Cardiovascular System needs to be worked on and developed alongside a muscle-focused programme.

Most, if not all of these examples can be found on Amazon, but there are also sites which are specifically catered to physical exercise and rehabilitation if you want to check them out (


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